In front of our apartment here in BKK has a replica of our SM in the Philippines. But since I barely understand Thai I dunno what their daily agenda are. My son Dylan loves to go out, he feels like a prisoner every time he is locked in our room. He giggles when he sees a lot of kids playing outside. It is embarrassing for me and for my husband because we can't communicate well with our neighbors. They are very sweet and fun-loving people but all we can do is to smile.
One time a group of kids came to me and was so excited. I guess they were asking something about my son. But despite my award-winning charade, they still could not understand me. The next day, a grade 8 boy approached me again and I gave my best effort to communicate but to no avail. That frustrated me much.
I and my husband decided to reach-out with this kid. Some can say a little English but only those who study in private schools, but most of them can not even say a word. When I told their parents that I and my husband will have a free tutorial to their kids every Sunday afternoon under the Mango Tree, they were glad and said ‘yes’ right away.
There is a different kind of feeling after each Sunday school. We feel that even though we don’t go to church often I know that He loves what we do. The song “Have I Done Any Good in the World Today” inspires us to continue this missionary work.
Have I Done Any Good?
Have I helped anyone in need?
Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad?
If not, I have failed indeed.
Has anyone’s burden been lighter today
Because I was willing to share?
Have the sick and the weary been helped on their way?
When they needed my help was I there?
Then wake up and do something more
Than dream of your mansion above.
Doing good is a pleasure, a joy beyond measure,
A blessing of duty and love.
There are chances for work all around just now,
Opportunities right in our way.
Do not let them pass by, saying, “Sometime I’ll try,”
But go and do something today.
’Tis noble of man to work and to give;
Love’s labor has merit alone.
Only he who does something helps others to live.
To God each good work will be known.
We realize that we don’t need money to help people who are in need. We are blessed that we can give more even if we have less. We have made the Sirok Mangga here in Thailand a better place to stay. :)
keep it going!