
Motherhood: A Lifetime Internship

While watching my two boys sleeping, I can't express how blessed I am for having another twist on my life and how I enjoy every part it.

It amazes me to know how each mother I meet gives different pieces of advice but with the same feeling towards their sons and their daughters - their unconditional love. They say "do this, do that, but don't do this, and don't do that." Sometimes when pieces of advice do not just agree, I'm stuck in the middle and don't know what to do.  The funny thing is I read informations in the internet  arriving to false conclusions and ending up in the hospital consulting with Dylan's doctor. 

Well, maybe this  happens to every first time moms- specially to first timers who are not with their mothers in times like this,  like me :) During Dylan's earlier  months I feel like everything he did was all extraordinary to me. I had to disturb my friends  and families (whoever are available online) just to ask what to do like bathing, cleaning baby poo, and     feeding. 

Now, I get used to sleep in between hours, sing children song  as many times as possible, and smell like pee or spit-up. I'm grateful to Pangs for always reaching out especially when I almost lose my energy.  I have mastered the art of budgeting our meals, bills, and groceries; searched the most helpful baby websites; and known all the shops with affordable baby stuffs. I learned to do multi-tasking work like combing my hair while sweeping the floor, cradling him while shaking his milk, and picking up the clutters while feeding him.

But these doesn't mean I'm a perfect mom. Sometimes I prepare food that doesn't taste good on Dylan's tongue. I put on some clothes not appropriate to the weather causing him to shiver or sweat. Play Incy Wincy Spider when all he likes  to watch is  Brush Brush Brush by Colgate and Makulay ang Buhay by Magic over and over again .

I commit mistakes too, but that makes me a better mother. I learn new things each day and I treasure every moment I feel happy for his accomplishments  and nervous every time he cries. That makes motherhood exciting. I am not a perfect mother like how other children describe their moms. I'm just a neophyte doing everything possible to become the BEST and COOL mom to my son.

This is me now. This is my new life and I'm ready  for a lifetime internship of motherhood.